Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Party Time

Lauren loves creating - she's a budding artist. She also loves my attic studio - in fact, it bears the name that she gave it. So Jae decided that it would be a good place to have a surprise party for her 6th birthday. And it definitely was a surprise for her.

In all the years that I've had my studio, there hasn't been a gaggle of children up there. It was great fun to see it filled with little folk.

They painted shirts and hats, decorated eggs and balloons, and made fiber bracelets. And ate cupcakes.

It's fun to watch children interact and interesting to watch their creative process. Entertaining indeed. But I must say I got the biggest chuckle when Jaime told me that when one of the parents went up there to pick up their child, they said "'Your Mom is the one who did the I SPY books??!!! I didn't know that!"

You'd have to see it to understand what she was talking about. It really tickled me though because I actually thought of making a book like that for the kids with my own stuff. Yep, I could do it.

I was also tickled with the comment that they were surprised that it was so organized for a 'creative person'. I do pride myself in the ability to use the right side of my brain at times too. Not all that often, but at times.

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