It's bad enough that a year flies by at a ridiculous speed, but it's particularly disturbing when the ten year chunks are a blink as well. I've generally thought of my life in ten year blocks - either by the calendar or by my own fiscal years. I've set my sights on having ten of them & I really am not overly enthusiastic to see them slipping down the hour glass so quickly.
Ten years ago, we spent New Year's Eve with our friends & my sister and brother in law, the same folks that we will usher it in with this year.
Twenty years ago, we spent it in the funeral home in another town, feeling totally displaced as 'orphans'. Our last night on earth with our darling Dad. That was the most difficult of years - saying goodbye.
Thirty years ago, I spent it in the hospital with my precious newborn son. My roommate and I sat at the nurse's station, waiting for the arrival of the New Year's baby - toasting with champagne at midnight. That was the most delightful of years - saying hello.
Forty years ago, I was having fun as a teeanger - partying with the same dear friends that I had a lovely lunch with yesterday.
And right now, we're off to my sister's to be with them and the same friends that we've spent the majority of New Year's Eve with over the past 25 years. We will count down together as we watch the ball drop in The Big Apple. We will hug & kiss and congratulate ourselves for still being here for another year. And we will be grateful for one more time to be together to celebrate Life & Family & Friends.