Friday, January 30, 2009

Second Chance

I definitely have regrets as a Mother. There are things that I should have done differently, done better ... didn't do at all. I didn't bake with my kids. Actually, I didn't bake consistently, period. If I did it, it was a rush job - no time for slow hands & a bigger clean up. Their involvement was soley to lick the beaters and the bowl. With four kids, a mess of critters and a full time 'plus' job, there was no time to involve them in any creative process. I was always in 'Get 'er done' mode.

Fast foward a couple decades and I have been blessed with another chance. I'm older, wiser, still rushing around too much, but not at the pace of a young mother. Getting to spend time with a child is no longer just an ordinary day to be taken for granted. I cuddle and snuggle more, I listen better; I nurture and celebrate their creative spirit and I even patiently turn the entire baking process over to a four year old.

Lauren and I had a 'Nan Day' today - we did it all. We even had time to watch a movie together. Well sort of ... she watched. I napped.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it wonderful to get that second chance. After being a young single mom who was always too busy (legitimately but sadly so), I have also gotten a second chance. My little granddaughter is a choice blessing. We have a special bond. She loves to create & I have finally learned that making the mess is more important than cleaning it up.
Enjoy, Debbie